15 juni 2022 Possible strategies for use of artificial intelligence in screen-reading of mammograms, based on retrospective data from 122,969 screening examinations
by Marthe Larsen, Camilla F. Aglen, Solveig R. Hoff, Håkon Lund-Hanssen & Solveig Hofvind  in European Radiology (2022)

6 mei 2022 Twee radiologen of één radioloog en artificiële intelligentie?  

12 januari 2018 ScreenPoint’s Transpara™ Deep Learning Software Application Reads Mammograms as well as Experienced Radiologists "This will allow them to focus on making optimal decisions for women with potentially abnormal exams in which cancer is most likely,” said Prof. Nico Karssemeijer, PhD, CEO of ScreenPoint Medical"

13 december 2017 Uitzending Nieuwsuur    "Voor het eerst is aangetoond dat een computer sneller bepaalde uitgezaaide borstkanker kan ontdekken dan de mens. Onderzoekers van het Radboud UMC ontwikkelde een zelf lerend computerprogramma, dat de patholoog flink kan helpen."  Ook de radioloog is er flink mee geholpen.

13 december 2017 Top 5 trends from RSNA 2017 in Chicago    By Brian Casey, Kate Madden Yee, Erik L. Ridley, Wayne Forrest, and Abraham Kim, staff writers  December 13, 2017  "1. Artificial intelligence takes center stage  2. Gadolinium deposition raises concern   3. Radiation dose management forges ahead   4. Riding the wave of augmented radiology  5. Screening DBT excitement continues apace"

24 november 2017 Research collaboration aims to improve breast cancer diagnosis using AI   "A new project to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) could improve breast screening could potentially lead to more accurate detection of cancers." ... "Led by Imperial College London, the consortium will be based at the Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre. "

26 juli 2016 Cost-Effectiveness of Double Reading versus Single Reading of Mammograms in a Breast Cancer Screening Programme